South Asian female therapist

My Practice and Services

I like to use a combination of insight-oriented, person-centered, and written approaches to counseling and therapy. Self-care is not “one-size-fits-all” and I can support you in identifying what works for you.


Psychotherapy and Supervision

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

When adverse, traumatic, or bad events happen, sometimes the brain does not store that information or process them correctly. This can lead to increased anxiety, panic, low self-esteem, and feeling on edge or tense in everyday life, even if the connecting event happened a long time ago. Like REM or a good night’s rest, EMDR allows your brain the chance to process past memories and present triggers adaptively to truly heal and respond to the future effectively. I can help you heal from your past and support you in building the resources that you need to cope with daily life.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Everything happens for a reason?”. Sometimes we internalize certain messages or thoughts about ourselves and others from everyday interactions or significant events. CBT helps break down this thought process and take a hard look at the truth of our thinking and how it makes us feel. Together, I can help you identify your thought process, the thoughts that aren’t helping you, and more adaptive ways of thinking about your situation.

Interested in working with me? Schedule your free intro call below!

Other Fun Stuff


Check out my blog!

My blog is officially LAUNCHING on June 15, 2022. Tune in for my thoughts on all things related to mental health and wellness!