No, Boundaries Aren’t a “White People” Thing
And Why It’s Hard When You’re South Asian. It was Easter, and I was video calling my siblings when my dad suddenly took my brother’s phone and, after a couple of minutes of small talk, said, “Your thighs look huge and you look like you’ve gained weight. Tell me how much you weigh?”
What Independence Means to Me, a Daughter of Immigrants
Expressing gratitude for my country of citizenship doesn’t mean that I ignore the problems. That’s toxic positivity.
How Therapists Cope When the World Goes Awry
People ask us how to cope when their world feels like it’s falling apart. The thing is our world is falling apart too.
No Rest, No Best: The Benefits of Not Working All the Time, and Why It’s So Hard
Reading a good book, watching TV, painting, or even learning a language are all things that are joyful but take a tiny amount of effort, so I wonder, “Why can’t I be at peace like this when I’m focused on work?
Mental Health and Travel: Mindfulness or Escapism?
Travel can provide many mental health benefits. It forces you to get out of your comfort zone and do something that potentially increases your anxiety levels.